Still (a) life

Stadtmuseum, Dusseldorf 2020

In January 2020, in the City Museum of Dusseldorf, artist Dina Blich opens her solo exhibition, “Still (a)life”.

The essence of this exhibition lies in its attention to objects—everyday objects, objects that are damaged, outdated or no longer in use. Dina Blich liberates them from their ordinary functions. With delicate attention, she molds them, restores their memory, orchestrates their surroundings. Like a psychologist, she listens to each object, helping it realize its hidden desires, come to life again, be courageous!

The objects tell the story of society and place. The project has two parts: In the first part, the Israeli artist will tell the story of her home. For the second part, Blich asked the museum staff to collect dispensable objects from the people of Düsseldorf. She will refashion these objects to tell the story of the host city.

Raya Zomer-Tal


A Place - Green Gallery,Arsuf Kedem 2019